I am a Professor in the Department of Biology/Toxicology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Ashland University, a medium sized private school in Ohio. My undergraduate research students and I use a small tropical fish called the zebrafish to study the development of the ocular lens and what can go wrong to produce cataracts, one of the leading causes of human blindness. We use CRISPR gene editing to discover and investigate the molecular machinery behind lens biology with the support of funding from the National Institutes of Health. I teach a number of courses including Marine Biology, Zoology, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology, as well as a seminar on professional development for science majors. I direct our Choose Ohio First scholarship program for STEM students and developed the social media outreach and alumni engagement for our science programs.

Lab Members
Pubs and Talks
University of Southern California
PhD, Marine Biology, 1998
Dissertation advisor: Dr. Robert Lavenberg, Curator of Fishes, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
University of Virginia
BA, Biology, 1991
Professional Experience
Ashland University, Department of Biology and Toxicology
Professor of Biology, 2009-present
Chairperson, 2008-2017
Associate Professor, 2003-2009
Assistant Professor, 1999-2003
Jules Stein Eye Insitute
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Mentor: Dr. Joseph Horwitz
Or contact me the old fashioned way
Ashland University
Department of Biology
401 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805
mposner@ashland.edu; (m) 330-421-9552