Since 2000 I have taught a Marine Biology course that culminates in a field experience on the Atlantic Ocean.  In 2012 my students and I live tweeted our trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, which I compiled in the Storify feed below.

A sample of my courses

  • Bio 100 – Human Biology (for non-science majors)
  • Bio 201 – Cellular and Molecular Basis of Life
  • Bio 202 – Organisms, Adaptations and Diversity
  • Bio 301 – Professional Preparation
  • Bio 305 – Evolution
  • Bio 325/326 – Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Bio 328 – Vertebrate Biology
  • Bio 412 – Marine Biology

In 2013 I started teaching an all-online asynchronous version of our non-science majors Bio 100 Human Biology course.  You can watch a sample module introduction to the right.

Engaging students beyond the classroom

I have been a big fan of using Piazza for extending discussion outside the face-to-face classroom and as my sole discussion board for online classes

An evening with Neil Shubin

My Vertebrate Biology students meeting prominent paleontologist Neil Shubin after his lecture at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.  You can see some other course activities to the right.

A tour with the curator of mammals at the Cleveland Zoo

Some vertebrate anatomy chalkboard work

Science journalist Tom Hayden visits a science communication seminar course by Skype

Our class hashtag for Marine Biology

As light-written by students on the beach near Oregon Inlet, NC.  You can also look for #aubioverts, our Vertebrate Biology twitter feed.

Course blogging

I incorporate blogging assignments in many of my classes so students can share information and develop their written communication skills.  This post was part of a species description final project.

I have made a number of tutorials to help students with projects outside of class.  Over the past two summers I have also produced a large number of short 10-15 minute tutorial videos for my online Human Biology course.  You can watch examples of each below.